Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Licia Buttà

Office: 4.16


Telephone: (+34) 977559587

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Licia Buttà is an associate professor of History of Medieval Art, where she has taught postgraduate and undergraduate courses since 2005.

She has a doctorate in Medieval Art History from the University of Barcelona, a specialist in Archeology and Art History from the University of Siena and a degree in Classical Studies from the University of Palermo.

Her research focuses on the study of the text / image relationship, visual culture and the mobility of artists and works in the medieval Mediterranean, as well as the cultural history of dance from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. She has been she is a member of the Advisory Board and responsible for the historical-artistic research for the restoration of the painted ceiling of the Sala Magna of the Steri-Chiaromonte Palace in Palermo (2017-2019).

She coordinates the international research group Iconodanza and is the Principal Investigator of the project "Hterotopías coréuticas, danza y representación en la cultura visual y literaria del Mediterráneo desde la Antigüedad tardía hasta la Edad Media HAR2017-85625-P". (2017-2021)