What do we study?
Historical studies, in any field, and archaeological studies allow the development of critical and argumentative skills and contribute to the understanding of the development of human societies, as well as political, economic and cultural manifestations, through time.
Professionals in history, art history and archaeology have a strong influence on the shaping of the historical and cultural identity of countries and, ultimately, of the values of free citizenship.
Moreover, new technologies play a fundamental role in the process of accumulation, selection, reproduction, study and transmission of the cultural heritage of the past. For this reason, the importance of digital humanities in the new processes of learning and transmission of knowledge must be considered.
Lines of research and work:
Thanks to the study and excavation of different archaeological sites, we work in the fields of archaeology, prehistory and the ancient world. We also discuss medieval society, modern society and the 19th and 20th centuries up to the present day.
- Research groups: Autoecologia Humana del Quaternari, Seminari de Topografia Antiga, Medioevum, Cultura i Societat, Noblesa a l'edat moderna, GREC, GIEM, Musicologia, Investigació Didàctica i Continguts Curriculars
What offers the URV to History students?
Our Degree Programme (PFG) brings together two different but complementary degrees, the Degree in History and the Degree in History of Art and Archaeology. Both share a common First Year and various subjects throughout the four years: a minimum of 90 ECTS and 60 credits of Basic Education (FB). It is important to note that a PFG allows students to change degree if they wish to do so without additional costs.
Services such as the laboratory of archaeology, the cinema class, a personalized service to the students through the tutoring system and other general services such as employment, housing, language service, among others.
The URV has promoted the Campus d'Excel·lència Internacional Catalunya Sud (CEICS) which consolidates the strategic union of the entities and structures of teaching, research and knowledge transfer with the productive sector of southern Catalonia. Its strategic lines include the sectors of heritage, culture and tourism, which are directly linked to the teaching of history, prehistory and classical archaeology, as the core areas of research.
What professional opportunities do you have?
The professional opportunities are diverse due to the specialized education in social sciences. Our students will be able to work on various activities such as teaching, researcher, management and cultural diffusion, archaeological technician, documentary maker, in archives or libraries, media, tasks for guiding in historical-artistic or cultural routes, international management, technician in public or private administrations, human resources, assistance in foundations and publishers, etc.