Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Anna Sánchez Aragón

Office 4.32


postdoctoral researcher

Anna Maria Sánchez Aragón holds a PhD cum laude in Sociology from the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), where she currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in the consolidated group Social & Business Research Laboratory. Her main lines of research focus on equality, gender and adolescence, with a special focus on risk behaviours, such as suicidal ideation and substance abuse. She has published several scientific articles in national and international journals and has participated as a researcher in projects funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as by the European Union.

She teaches on the Official Master's Degree in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies, promoted by the Inter-University Institute of Women and Gender Studies (iiEDG), which was distinguished in 2024 with the Encarna Sanahuja YII Mention for its interdisciplinary nature and its impact on gender equality policies. She has also published book chapters in prestigious publishing houses such as Dikynson and Tirant Lo Blanch.

ORCID: 0000-0002-9165-651X

Research lines:

The main lines of research are equality policies, gender studies and adolescence, with a special focus on risk behaviours (suicidal ideation and substance abuse).

Last and most important publications:

Belzunegui Eraso, Ángel; Díaz Moreno, Verónica; Pastor, Inma; Sánchez Aragón, Anna; Valls Fonayet, Francesc (2025). «Consumo de alcohol entre adolescentes y la paradoja de la información». Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 190, 19-40.

Sánchez-Aragón, A., Pastor-Gosálbez, I., Valls-Fonayet, F., Anleu-Hernández, C. M. y Belzunegui-Eraso, A. (2024).Motivations for cigarette smoking in schooled adolescents: analysis of discussion groups. Revista Española de Drogodependencias, 49(3), 90-105. 10.54108/10088

Sánchez-Aragón, A., Pastor-Gosálbez, I., Valls-Fonayet, F., Anleu-Hernández, C. M. y Belzunegui-Eraso, A. (2024).Motivaciones para el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes escolarizados: análisis de grupos de discusión. Atención Primaria, 56(8), 102931. 10.1016/j.aprim.2024.102931

Sánchez-Aragón, A., Pastor-Gosálbez, I., Belzunegui-Eraso, A. y Fernández-Aliseda, S. (2024). Estados emocionales y consumo de cannabis en adolescentes. En M. Isorna, F. Fariña, F. Pascual y J. Fraga (Coords.), Abordaje integrado del consumo de cannabis: investigación, prevención y tratamiento, pp. 221-239. Madrid: Editorial Dikynson.

Andrés-Sánchez, J., Belzunegui-Eraso, A., Pastor-Gosálbez, I. ySánchez-Aragón, A. (2024).A cross-sectional assessment of the influence of information sources about substance use in adolescents' tobacco prevalence. Heliyon, 10(19), e38976. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e38976

Pastor-Gosálbez, I. y Sánchez-Aragón, A. (2024). Mujeres, mercado de trabajo y políticas de igualdad. En E. Alemán, L. Zuloaga y E. Sierra (Eds.)., Mujeres, mercado de trabajo y participación sindical. Análisis sociológico y jurídico, pp. 59-87, editorial Tirant Lo Blanch.

Sánchez-Aragón, A.; Prieto-Flores, Ò.; Belzunegui-Eraso,A. (2022).Factoresqueincidenenlacalidaddelasrelacionesdementoría:evidencias de un estudio cualitativo. Sistema. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 264, pp.65-82. 10.17502/mrcs.v9i2.474

Sánchez-Aragón, A.; Belzunegui-Eraso, A.; Prieto-Flores,Ò. (2021). Revisión sistemática de la evaluación de la mentoría social dirigida a jóvenesvulnerables.OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 16(2),pp.481-506. 10.14198/OBETS2021.16.2.16

Sánchez-Aragón, A.;Belzunegui-Eraso, A.; Prieto-Flores,Ò. (2020). Results of Mentoring in the Psychosocial Well-Being of Young Immigrants andRefugeesinSpain.Healthcare, 9(1), pp.1-13. 10.3390/healthcare9010013