Labour Associate Professor
Marina Lozano Ruiz is an Associate Professor and holds a PhD in History from the Rovira i Virgili University, where she teaches on the Degree in Anthropology and Human Evolution, and is a researcher for the Institute of Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES).
Her research is focused on the field of bioarcheology where instrumentals methods (scanning, digital and confocal microscopy) are used for the study of human remains. Since the year 2022, she is a collaborating editor of the International Journal of Osteoarcheology. She has spent an important part of her professional career on the field research work, having been a member of the Atapuerca Excavation and Research Team since 1996.
Scientific divulgation has also been central to its activity, and for this reason, she has participated in many events such as Research Night, Pint of Science, Science Week, Women and Girls in Science Day, Inspire Steam, among others.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6304-7848
Research lines:
· Analysis of cultural dental wear in past societies to identify aspects related to socio-economic behaviour, highlighting the sexual division of tasks.
· Analysis of dental wear and pathologies, applying instrumental methods to determine the type of diet.
· Dental analysis of the Neanderthal lineage, with special interest in the use of teeth as a third hand as an indicator of manual laterality.
Last and most important publications (2021-2025):
2025 Rubio Salvador, Á., Jiménez-Brobeil, S., Lozano, M. (3/3). Method for determinin the temporal occurrence of chipping in human teeth in past populations. Archives of Oral Biology. 169, 106114 DOI:
2024 Lozano, M., Soler, J., López-Onaindia, D., Solés, A., Julià, R., Ceperuelo, D., Lorenzo, C., Soler, N. (1/8) Middle Pleistocene teeth from Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, northeastern Iberian Peninsula). American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 1-18, 185:e25037.
2024 Strimenopoulos, A., Lozano, M. (2/2) Correlation between dental microwear analysis anddietary habits of Neanderthal populations in the Iberian Peninsula. Radiocarbon. 42: 1-13 DOI:10.1017/RDC.2024.53
2023 López-Onaindia, D., Lozano, M., Gómez-Robles, A., Arrizabalaga, A., Subirà, M.E. (2/5) Neanderthal teeth from Lezetxiki (Arrasate, Iberian Peninsula): New insights and reassessment. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 180:745-760
2022 Lozano, M., Gamarra, B., Hernando, R., Ceperuelo, D. (1/4) Microscopic and virtual approaches to oral pathology: A case study from El Mirador Cave (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Ann. Anat. 239:151827;
2022 Hernando, R., Willman, J.C., Souron, A., Cebrià, A., Oms, F.X., Morales, J.I., Lozano, M. (7/7) What about the buccal surfaces? Dental microwear texture analysis of buccal and occlusal surfaces refines paleodietary reconstructions. Am. J. Biol. Anthropol. 1-13.
2022 Gamarra, B., Lozano, M., Del Bove, A., Subirà, M.E., Edo, M., Castellana, C., Vergès, J.M., Morales, J.I., Cebrià, A., Oms, F.X., Tornero, C., Gómez-Bach, A. (2/11) Identifying biological afinities of Holocene northern Iberian populations through the inner structures of the upper frst molars. Archaeol. Anthropol. Sci.; 14:38
2021 Lozano, M., Jiménez-Brobeil, S., Willman, J.C., Sánchez-Barba, L., Molina, F., Rubio, A. (1/6) Argaric craftswomen: Sex-based division of labor in the Bronze Age southeastern Iberia J. Archaeol. Sci., 127.
2021 Navazo Ruiz, M., Benito-Calvo, A., Alonso-Alcalde, R., Alonso, P., de la Fuente, H., Santamaría, M., Santamaría, C., Álvarez-Vena, A., Arnold, L.J., Iriarte-Chiapusso, M.J., Demuro, M., Lozano, M., Ortiz, J.E., Torres, T. (12/14) Late Neanderthal subsistence strategiesand cultural traditions in the northern Iberia Peninsula: Insights from Prado Vargas, Burgos, Spain. Quat. Sci. Rev. 254: 106795.