Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Policarp Hortolà i Gómez


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General Information

He qualified as a biologist (BSc plus MSc) at the University of Barcelona (UB). Later on, he pursued a doctoral program on the sedimentary record and paleoenvironmental evolution at the Stratigraphy & Palaeontology Department of UB. Then, he was granted a pre-doctorate fellowship to conduct research at the Prehistory Area of Rovira i Virgili University (URV). He earned his PhD degree from URV with a thesis on the morphology of mammalian erythrocytes in bloodstains on lithic raw materials of interest to prehistoric technology. His field of expertise is the scanning electron microscopy of bloodstains (haemotaphonomy). In addition to his main activity as a researcher, he has taught courses on Human Paleoecology, Molecular Archaeology, and Epistemology and Theory of Knowledge in Archaeology. He currently teaches courses on Genetics and Epistemology of Evolution in the Degree in Anthropology and Human Evolution (URV-UOC interuniversity degree).

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