Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Judit Vidal Bonavila

Office 4.14


Telephone 977 55 8615

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Judit Vidal Bonavila is a lecturer in Modern History and holds a degree and PhD in History from the Rovira i Virgili University. Since 2017 until the present, she has been a collaborating lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Specialist in modern historical period and in economic and social relations in the Mediterranean. Her doctoral thesis was presented in June 2015 on the subject of tuna fishing in the Crown of Aragon as a whole, with the title L'aprofitament del mar en els segles XVI-XVII: Estudi comparatiu de les almadraves de la Corona d'Aragó. The thesis was awarded a European mention, with an international stay at the University of Sassari. The thesis resulted in several articles in indexed journals and two monographs; a global one published by the Fundació Noguera (2018) and a specific one on Catalan tuna traps (2019). The database of the thesis was incorporated into the international project dedicated to the conservation of Atlantic tuna: ICCAT Atlantic-Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (GBYP (2016-2017)).

She has participated in other research projects of the Ministry (Espacios conectados a lo largo del tiempo. Cataluña y el mundo mediterráneo en los siglos XVII y XVIII (2018-2021); Agentes e instituciones en la red catalana del Mediterráneo (siglos XVI-XVIII) (2022-2025)) and of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Ideologies i societat a la Catalunya Contemporània (2014-2017)), from which different articles, book chapters, participations in congresses and conferences have emerged. She has also worked on other lines of research, including the project on juniper oil ovens in Ribarroja del Ebro, which resulted in a book published by the Diputació de Tarragona and the Ribarroja del Ebro Town Council (2018). She has been a member of a historical demography project (Relaciones dinámicas entre mortalidad y fecundidad en las primeras fases de la Transición Demográfica (2013-2016)) and has written articles on demography and historical health.

Moreover, she has also directed various research projects. Of particular note is Ricard Cantano's thesis Contribució de Canet i la Província de Marina de Mataró al comerç marítim català del XVIII. Del cabotatge mediterrani a la Carrera d'Índies (1740-1778) (2022), but also bachelor's final projects and their tribunals. There is also experience in organizing R+D+i conferences and other university extension or transfer teaching activities.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7279-5733

Last and most important publications (2016-2024):