Vanina Y. Hofman Matusevich is a lecturer in Art History at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and holds a PhD cum laude from the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), with a thesis in which examines the construction of an ecology of divergent practices of preservation and archiving of media art. Continuing with her professional career, she has a Master's degree in Curating and Cultural Practices in Art and New Media from MECAD/Media Art Centre, Escuela Superior de Diseño ESDi, Universitat Ramon Llull, and a degree in Image and Sound Design from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
She has participated in different competitive research projects, among which we can highlight Caçadors d'Històries del Futur (CHF), IP. Antoni Roig, funded by the Barcelona City Council (2018) or Prácticas de futuro, espacios de creación digital e innovación (D-Future), IP. Elisenda Ardèvol, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise (MINECO), 2015-2017. Ref.: CSO2014-58196-P.
Furthermore, has been a guest researcher of the IDIS, Apuntes sobre los orígenes y el desarrollo de las narrativas audiovisuales no lineales y la cultura de códigos abiertos project, IP. Carlos Trilnick, funded by the Secretaría de Investigación (FADU-UBA: SI HyC-36, 2013) and the project Red Cultura Digital. Cruces entre narrativa, arte y tecnología, IP. Valeria Radrigán, funded by the contest Formation of international networks for early stage researchers, CONY-CIT, Ministry of Education of the Govenrment of Chile. Has also been part of the research team Arte, Arquitectura y Nuevas materialidades, IP. Lourdes Cirlot Valenzuela, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise (MINECO), 2015-2017. Ref.: HAR2014-59261-C2-1-P.
She has led the following projects funded by the Consejo Nacional de la Cultura i dels Arts (CoNCA) of the Generalitat de Catalunya: Art, Dona i Tecnologia a Catalunya, codirected with Valentina Montero; and Arqueologia Digital, codirected with Consuelo Rozo.
Other merits are that, since 2016, she has been in charge of the Taxonomedia platform through which she has produced meetings, seminars and publications in Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Spain. She is part of the research group Mediaccions at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and has collaborated with DARTS (Design, Arts, Research, Technology and Society) and is a member of the Xarxa de Cultura Digital.
Research lines:
She is a researcher and cultural producer who has devoted herself to the study of the processes of remembering and forgetting in digital culture, the construction of unconventional art histories, media archaeology and digital materiality.
Last publications:
Conferencia magistral: "Hacia una ecología de prácticas divergentes de preservación", en "Sistemas Inestables" Taller/Seminario Desafíos en la Conservación en el Arte Contemporáneo 28 y29 de agosto 2019, organizado por el Ministerio de las Culturas las Artes y el Patrimonio de Chile.
Hofman, V. (2018): Prácticas divergentes de preservación del arte de los medios. Recordar y olvidar en la cultura digital. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Editorial.
Premio INVESTIGA CULTURA Ministerio de Cultura (Argentina) para la publicación de investigaciones vin-culadas al Patrimonio Cultural.
Hofman, V. (2018): "Remembering, an improbable exception" en De Rosa, M. ; Fales, L. (eds): Shifting Layers. New Perspectives in Media Archaeology Across Digital Media and Audiovisual Arts. Italia: Mimesis Edizioni.
Producción del encuentro: "Media Archaeologies Evening. Thomas Elsaesser, Wolfgang Ernst & DARTS", La Virreina, Centre de la Imatge.
Producción del Hub de publicaciones "Konainer, Art, Design & Multimedia Publications Hub" para la Cátedra Telefónica-UOC en Diseño y Creación Multimedia.
Ardèvol, E; Hofman, V. : "Patrimonio inmaterial: de lo intangible a lo digital" conferencia invitada en SWICH - Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage. Museu Etnològic de Barcelona, noviembre de 2017.
Hofman, V.; Alsina, P. (junio 2017) INTRODUCCIÓN. "Futuros especulativos del arte «¿Qué pasaría si...?»". Artnodes 19. DOI: http://doi.org/10.7238/a.v0i19.3122
Hofman, V.; Lanzeni, D.: "The Harddisk Museum: co-archiving and performing digital arts heritage" conferencia presentada en Participatory Practices in Arts & Heritage, Maastricht, marzo de 2017.
Hofman, V.; Lanzeni, D.: "When (digital) art came back to be material" conferencia presentada en EASA Conference 2016, Panel Antropology, Arts and the New Materialisms, Milán (Italia), julio de 2016.
Coordinadora del I Congreso Internacional "Políticas de la Interfaz" co-organizado por BAU ' Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona, Hangar y Mediaccions (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Barcelona, abril de 2016.
Reviewer para las revistas académicas: Artnodes 'Journal on Art, Science and Technology; Digithum ' Las Humanidades en la Era Digital; Intervención 'Revista Internacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museo-